Join the Kiwanis Club of Trenton for “The Race is On!”

It’s hard to avoid the 2024 presidential election in the daily news cycle. But what about New Jersey’s impending campaigns for U.S. Senate and Governor? All carry issues and candidates which will impact Trenton. To find out how, read the political tea leaves with Micah Rasmussen at the Kiwanis Club of Trenton’s monthly luncheon program on Wednesday May 1, 2024 beginning at 12:15 pm at Leonardo’s II restaurant in Lawrenceville.
Mr. Rasmussen brings a wealth of experience as Director of the Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics at Rider University. He served as Governor Jim McGreevey’s press secretary and has worked in the New Jersey Assembly as well as several political campaigns. All are welcome to attend as Mr. Rasmussen leads us on a survey of the current electoral landscape in New Jersey politics.
Founded in 1918, the Kiwanis Club’s programs have supported children’s services, community events and since 1955, the Times-Kiwanis Camp Fund, which has raised over $2 million for summer camp experiences for Trenton children. In addition to the ongoing Camp Fund, current Kiwanis initiatives include “Vision Trenton,” a collaborative community effort to stimulate economic redevelopment by promoting Trenton’s extensive historic assets.
Leonardo’s II is located at 2021 Brunswick Pike, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. Lunch will be available off the menu for $20 per attendee. Please RSVP by April 30, 2024 by contacting Mike McCormick at (609) 208-9991 or
The post Join the Kiwanis Club of Trenton for “The Race is On!” first appeared on TrentonDaily.
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