New Jersey Conservation Foundation and Partners Plant Trees in East Trenton

The New Jersey Conservation Foundation (NJ Conservation), together with the NJ Tree Foundation and the City of Trenton, recently led a shade tree planting of 46 trees at the intersection of North Clinton and North Olden Avenues in the City.
The trees were planted near the East Trenton Community Center and home to many weekend pop-up shops. The trees will provide many environmental and quality of life benefits in the neighborhood.
“We love it when we can cut concrete as part of a tree planting project — and here, over 900 square feet of concrete has been removed, opening up the impervious surface and providing space for these trees to grow,” said Pam Zipse, executive director of the New Jersey Tree Foundation. “The black gum, littleleaf linden, lacebark elm, and honey locust trees will provide cooling shade in the summer and stunning color in the fall and will help to reduce flooding and improve stormwater management.”
The intersection and street tree project was made possible through the generous contributions of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; USDA Forest Service; NJ Conservation Foundation, Mary O. Borden Foundation, NJ Tree Foundation and the City of Trenton. Many volunteers and ‘green infrastructure partners’ joined the work over the two days of planting including the NJDEP Urban and Community Forestry staff; East Trenton Collaborative and local residents; Isles Climate Corp; Delaware Riverkeeper Network; Outdoor Equity Alliance – Tree Ambassadors and Upward Bound; Urban Promise Trenton and a large group of Princeton University students from the Princeton Conservation Society.
“We are so fortunate to have the funding support and incredible partners to make these green investments in our capital city,” said Jay Watson, co-executive director of NJ Conservation. “In just a few years, these trees will contribute to the quality of life in this neighborhood. We thank the community for embracing this project and our partners for all they are doing to support this important work. Many future generations of Trentonians will enjoy this investment we make today.”
Earlier this year, the partner organizations joined together to plant 32 trees at Mulberry Street Park as part of an Arbor Day celebration.
NJ Conservation is leading a larger partnership initiative to promote tree equity in Trenton neighborhoods and increase shade for residents, while also reducing the urban heat island effect impacting the city. Over 1,000 shade trees will be planted throughout the city beginning in the spring of 2024.
Through 2050, the trees planted during that project will:
- Sequester almost 3 million pounds of carbon dioxide
- Intercept over 14 million gallons of rainwater – reducing stormwater runoff by 2 million gallons
- Promote tree equity and benefit 14 distinct overburdened Trenton neighborhoods with low-income and minority populations
- Restore the treescapes of historic Cadwalader Park and Mill Hill Park
- Aid in the restoration of historic districts including the D&R Canal, Berkley Square, State House, Mill Hill, and Ewing-Carroll Historic District to their original grandeur.
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About New Jersey Conservation Foundation
Recognizing that a healthy environment is critical to the well-being and survival of all living things, New Jersey Conservation Foundation is devoted to preserving land and protecting natural resources throughout New Jersey’s rural, suburban, and urban landscapes.
Since 1960, the nonprofit, nonpartisan, statewide organization has preserved more than 140,000 acres of open space, farmland, and parks. The organization manages more than a dozen nature preserves, conducts public outreach and education programs, and advocates for sensible land use and climate policies that will protect the health of New Jersey’s plants, wildlife, and people for generations to come.
About New Jersey Tree Foundation
The New Jersey Tree Foundation is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to planting trees in New Jersey’s most underserved neighborhoods, where the need is greatest. Through tree planting, volunteerism, and partnerships, we assist communities in improving their environment & quality of life.
The post New Jersey Conservation Foundation and Partners Plant Trees in East Trenton first appeared on TrentonDaily.
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