Do Your Part at the 6th Annual Delaware River Clean-up

The Delaware River is one of, if not the most important natural resource in the Trenton community. In addition to being a marvelous natural beauty, the Delaware also plays a tremendous functional purpose, providing drinking water for the Capital City and beyond. The Delaware River offers our community so much each and every day, and now is our opportunity to give back. To celebrate the river and all its majesty, you are invited to the New Jersey Clean Communities 6th Annual Delaware River Clean-up!
On Saturday, September 16th, all are welcome to do their part to help keep the Delaware River clean and pristine. There will be cleanups happening all along the banks, including right here in Trenton. If you are interested in participating in the Capital City, please be prepared to meet up at 8:30 a.m. at the Trenton Battle Monument, located at 350 N Warren St, Trenton, NJ 08618. Other locations of cleanups include Phillipsburg, Holland Twp., Frenchtown, Kingwood, Byron, Bull’s Island, Prallsville Mill, Lambertville, Holcombe-Jimison Farmstead, Fireman’s Eddy, Washington Crossing, Scudder Falls, and Duck Island at the Abbott Marshlands. There will also be an on-water cleanup location at Giving Pond River Access.
If you are interested in attending, please note that advanced pre-registration is required. You can find additional details and RSVP online here: Register – Cleanup. While all ages are welcome, if you do plan on bringing children under 13, please note that there must be at least one adult for every three children. If you have any questions prior to registering, please contact for additional details.
This event is sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, which will be providing supplies for the afternoon’s events. All cleanup materials will be provided, so all you need to bring along is yourself! At the Trenton Battle Monument location, guests will have the opportunity to clean up the Battle Monument neighborhood as well as the Delaware and Raritan Canal. The D&R Canal, which runs through Trenton, is a vast waterway that spans over 70 miles throughout the Garden State. Connecting communities all throughout New Jersey, the D&R is no doubt one of the region’s most cherished resources.
By participating in the cleanup, you will not only be benefiting Trenton but communities all throughout the Mid-Atlantic. The Delaware River, which runs approximately 130 miles, spans across dozens of municipalities and four states, including New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New York. Thousands of people rely on the Delaware for the water they use to bathe, drink, and live, making this waterway a necessity for even the most basic facets of life. In keeping the Delaware clean today, we can assure the well-being of this priceless resource both now and in the years to come.
No matter who you are or what you do, we all play a part in stewarding our natural resources. Don’t miss your chance to devote a day to the Delaware, be sure to mark your calendars today!
The post Do Your Part at the 6th Annual Delaware River Clean-up first appeared on TrentonDaily.
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