Passaic Street Classic Block Party Kicks Off in Trenton this Weekend

Celebrate Trenton’s creative talent and one of its most resilient commercial strips at this weekend’s Passaic Street Classic Block Party on October 2, 2021 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Last held in 2016, the party will include live music, art, and food for all ages on Passaic Street, between North Willow & Kafer Streets.

The event is made possible with financial support from New Jersey’s Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit Program and coordinated with the Passaic Street Business Association, Isles, and the City of Trenton. “Passaic Street business owners have also been very vocal about bringing the event back,” said Chris Shimchick from Isles. “We’re working together to make sure it’s a great time for everyone.” 

Some live performances and activities will include: 

  • Chris Beck & the Jazz Disciples coordinated by Candle Light Lounge
  • Hip hop/R&B artist sets coordinated by Razor Sharp Barber Shop
  • Music by DJ Prime Minister
  • Spoken word by Todd Evans, comedy by Deekay, and the Community Dance Academy coordinated by Laff Out Loud by Nina and Landy
  • An Artwork exhibit by Leslie Floyd at Candle Light Events Art Gallery
  • Classic Cars from Capitol City Cruisers

“There will be a paper boat race, and I’m super excited for that, where the kids will be able to create their own paper boats folding them in certain ways and then floating them down the canal, past the candlelight and razor-sharp barbershop,” Shimchick said. Included as well, will be sports equipment, a ping-pong table and board games.

There are a couple of slots still open for vendors to attend. Please reach out to Shimchick at

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