Capital Area YMCA Announces 2024 Trunk or Treat

October has officially arrived, and signs of the season are all around us. From the changing leaves to the gourds and ghosts lining the streets, it can only mean one thing: Halloween is on its way! No matter your age or stage of life, Halloween offers a welcome opportunity to connect with community, get creative, and fill our streets with tricks and treats. If you’re ready to don your most dazzling costumes and have yourself a hauntingly good time, look no further than the Capital Area YMCA’s Trunk or Treat to enjoy a tried and true tradition in the Trenton community.

Get ready for a spook-tacular time at the 2024 Capital Area YMCA Trunk or Treat! This year’s celebration will take place on Tuesday, October 29th from 6:30 to 8:30 at the Capital Area YMCA’s parking lot, located at 431 Pennington Ave, Trenton, NJ 08618. The evening’s festivities will include a jam-packed plethora of fun for the whole family, including a DJ, bounce houses, popcorn, games, prizes, and more. As trunks are transformed into spooky sights and scenes, every member of the family is certain to get in the holiday spirit. This event is completely free to attend, so be sure to bring every member of the crew to enjoy a ghoulishly good time with friends new and old.

Support for this program is provided by the Capital Area YMCA, an organization devoted to fostering health, wellness, and social responsibility within the communities they serve. The Capital Area YMCA is a part of the YMCA’s network of over 2,600 centers, all of whom serve men, women, and children just like you. From the Capital Area YMCA’s Farmer’s Market to their community dance team, food access, fitness resources, and more, the Y is here to help every member of the family live a happier, healthier life. Community is at the core of the Capital Area YMCA’s mission, so do not delay in discovering what opportunities await you at your local YMCA.

For more information on this and other events coming to the community, please visit the Capital Area YMCA’s website, linked here: Capital Area YMCA. You can also follow along with the Capital Area YMCA on Facebook, Instagram, X, and YouTube. If you have any questions or would like to learn more regarding how you can get involved, please contact Capital Area YMCA staff at (609) 599-9622 for further assistance. This year’s Trunk or Treat is certain to be a carload of fun, so be sure to mark your calendars today!

The post Capital Area YMCA Announces 2024 Trunk or Treat first appeared on TrentonDaily.

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