Trenton Central High School Kicks Off Student Government Association Election Campaigns

Election Day is almost here, and all over town, Trentonians are getting ready to cast their ballots. And while the Presidential election has certainly captured the attention of the nation, there is far more at play when you enter the voting booth. From the City Council to the Student Government and everything in between, when we cast our votes, we are making a powerful statement and making our voices heard in our communities. At Trenton Central High School, a new generation of leaders is preparing to step forward and make a difference for their fellow students. And now, with campaigns underway, it is time for Trenton’s scholars to decide who will represent them for the 2024-2025 school year.
On Tuesday, October 22nd, Trenton Central High School kicked off its 2024 Student Government Association Election with the announcement of student campaigns. One by one, these exceptional students addressed the crowd, sharing a glimpse of the ideals they hold for the future of their student experience. In honor of these remarkable young scholars, a panel of local leadership came out to celebrate, share their words of wisdom, and support those students now on the campaign trail. The afternoon’s distinguished guests included Mayor Reed Gusciora, Council President and TCHS Teacher Leader, Crystal Feliciano, Councilwoman and TPS Educator, Yasminelly Gonzalez, Commissioner Terrance Stokes, Michael Goodman, Executive Director of Esteem Makeover, and Bruce Boyd, Founder of Building Our Youth’s Development, Inc.. Students were also joined by Trenton City Clerk, Brandon Garcia, who provided the candidates with an authentic ballot ranking experience.
Throughout the afternoon, each student on the ballot was given the opportunity to present the crowd with a 3-5 minute speech outlining their goals, vision, and hopes for their campaigns. On the ballot is a number of vital positions, including the TCHS Student Government Association President, Vice President, Secretary, and Public Relations Officer. One by one, these inspirational students shared their priorities as well as what they hoped to achieve in their time as an elected representative. From addressing student concerns regarding school nutrition to providing TCHS students with a wider diversity of programming and clubs, these students thoughtfully and thoroughly presented their peers with an inspirational outline of their agendas.
Per Crystal Feliciano, Trenton City Council President and Trenton Central High School SGA Advisor,“Today’s Student Government Association Announcement event was a true testament that every voice matters. Our students at Trenton Central High School are amazing and I am so proud of each of them for having the courage and the desire to help make change in their school and their community. This is truly what community involvement, empowerment and engagement looks like; they are all winners in my book!”
Mayor of Trenton, Reed Gusciora, remarked, “Participating in the Trenton Central High School Student Government Association’s candidate announcement was truly inspiring. Hearing the passionate speeches from these future leaders reaffirmed my faith in the next generation. Their commitment and vision give me great hope for our community’s future.”
Councilwoman At-Large Yazminelly Gonzalez shared, “Today’s Student Government Association Campaign kick off at Trenton High showcased the creativity and leadership potential of our youth. These students are learning firsthand what it takes to run for office, and I’m proud to see their passion for making a difference in our school community.”
TCHS Principal Mary Courtney shared, “Today’s campaign event just adds to my list of many reasons why I am proud of my students. These young people were serious and took full advantage of the opportunity to tell their peers, community members, and local officials why they are the best candidate for the TCHS Student Government Association. I fully support student voices and today’s event showed that we have leaders waiting to be heard.”
Bruce Boyd, Founder of Building Our Youth’s Development, Inc., reflected on the afternoon, noting “Today was a bright spot in Trenton Central High School’s academic performance. The scholars articulated their reasons for their perspective offices. I truly enjoyed it.”
Michael Goodman, Executive Director of Esteem Makeover Inc, shared, “I was excited to be a part of the TCHS Student Government Association kick off event today. As an advocate for youth development and Director of Esteem Makeover Inc., which offers a communication component, it is nice to see the high supporting students in such interest. My hat goes off to Crystal Feliciano for being the beacon and for her continual support of youth development. I look forward to working with her through my Communication is Key initiative at the school. Again, great job to Crystal and all involved colleagues.”
A truly awe-inspiring afternoon for all, Trenton can rest assured knowing that its future is in the highly capable hands of this up and coming generation. If you’d like to learn more about the TCHS candidates, please check out footage of the day’s events here: TCHS SGA Announcements – YouTube. Footage of the afternoon’s exciting events is provided by Trenton Central High School’s talented Audio/Visual students.
Congratulations to all the candidates and all those who will be casting their ballots in the TCHS 2024 Election!
The post Trenton Central High School Kicks Off Student Government Association Election Campaigns first appeared on TrentonDaily.
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