Summer Food Program Available to Trenton Youth
It’s a saying we’ve all heard before: you are what you eat. And when we nourish our bodies with healthy, nutritious options, we offer our body the tools it needs to keep us healthy, happy, and thriving. For countless communities throughout the nation, students rely on school-provided meals to access nutritious foods to fuel their bodies and minds. But what happens when school lets out for summer? While food insecurity is a major barrier both here in the Capital City and throughout the nation, thanks to the prevalence of summer food programs, young people throughout the nation have the opportunity to access meals all year round. If your child is in need of nutrition throughout the summer, the City of Trenton’s Summer Food Program is here to offer a helping hand throughout the season.
The City of Trenton’s Department of Recreation, Natural Resources, and Culture recently announced that their Summer Food Program will once again be available for the 2024 season. Beginning on July 1st through August 23rd, the program offers youth ages 17 and under the opportunity to access nutrition at a number of sites throughout the community. In total, Trenton families have the opportunity to choose from 42 locations for the Summer Food Program, including parks in the East, West, North, and South Wards. In addition to meals, students will also have the opportunity to participate in a number of fun and engaging outdoor activities.
Breakfast for this summer’s free meal program will be served from 9am to 10am at parks located throughout the community. Please be aware that this program is intended for Trenton residents. You can find a comprehensive list of all participating locations by visiting the City of Trenton’s website, linked here: Summer Food Program Locations. If you have any questions or would like to learn more regarding how you can get involved in the program, please contact the City of Trenton’s Department of Recreation, Natural Resources, and Culture at 609-989-3635 for additional assistance and details.
Throughout the summer, the City of Trenton offers countless opportunities for community resources, recreation, and fun for all ages. From the Summer Meal Program to youth camps, recreation centers, pools, and more, there’s no shortage of things to explore during a Capital City summer. The Department of Recreation, Natural Resources, and Culture offers our community thoughtfully curated programming throughout the year to uplift Trenton’s residents and enrich their lives in a wholesome, family-friendly setting. For more information on this and other programs coming to the community this summer, please take a moment to visit the Department of Recreation’s web page, linked here: Dept. of Rec. – Home.
As the Trenton community works together to end hunger in our community, the Summer Food Program offers residents not just a healthy meal, but hope for the future. A helping hand in tackling summer hunger is here, so be sure to take advantage of this tremendous community resource.
The post Summer Food Program Available to Trenton Youth first appeared on TrentonDaily.
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