Capital Singers of Trenton Bring Music to the Beach

Capital Singers of Trenton Bring Music to the Beach

Summertime is here, and there’s few better places to laze away those hot summer days than by spending some time at the Jersey Shore. From the roar of the ocean to the sounds of footsteps trailing up and down the boardwalk, the sights and sounds of the shore are a surefire sign that summer has officially arrived. And what’s a great summer without a soundtrack to score our seasonal adventures? If you’re on the hunt for an afternoon of seaside song, you’re in luck! The Capital Singers of Trenton are hitting the road, and you’re invited to be a part of the fun.

On Sunday, June 9th, the Capital Singers of Trenton will bring their tremendous talents and tunes to the beaches of the Jersey Shore. Their upcoming performance, “Shout For Joy”, will begin at 4pm at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church, located at 410 S Atlantic Ave, Beach Haven, NJ 08008. This is a family-friendly event and all are welcome to join in on the celebration. The concert is a free will offering, and guests are welcome to offer a gift of their choosing. If you are unable to attend but still wish to support the Capital Singers of Trenton, donations can be made on their website, linked here: Ways to Support – CST. All proceeds benefit the continued efforts of the Capital Singers of Trenton, a vital resource for the Capital City’s arts community.

The upcoming concert, “Shout For Joy”, offers listeners the opportunity to tune in for an exuberant display of stirring chorale works. Featured pieces for this performance include Let God Arise by G.F. Handel, as well as Shout for Joy by Adolphus Hailstork. This performance features a robust panel of performers and directors, including Vinroy D. Brown, Jr., CST Artistic Director & Conductor, Ellen J. Dondero, Associate Conductor, and
Spenser R. Gallo, Collaborative Pianist.

Since their founding in 2006, the Capital Singers of Trenton have been delighting audiences with the art of choral singing. Each season, the Capital Singers of Trenton present a number of compelling choral concerts for enchanted audiences throughout the region. CST has performed at countless venues throughout the region, including the Trenton City Museum, Trenton Artworks, the William Trent House Museum, and more. A true gem of the Trenton arts world, the Capital Singers of Trenton continue to provide our city with an engaging and accessible way to enjoy world-class choral performances from the comfort of our community.

To learn more about this and other upcoming performances of the Capital Singers of Trenton, please take a moment to visit their website, linked here: CST – Home. You can also keep up with the Capital Singers of Trenton on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and X. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the upcoming performance, please call (609) 492-7571 for further assistance. This upcoming concert is “shore” to please, so be certain to mark your calendars now!

Spring Concert At The Shore

The post Capital Singers of Trenton Bring Music to the Beach first appeared on TrentonDaily.

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