Apply Now for NJ DCA’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

With the cooler months now upon us, a warm and cozy home is something we oft take for granted. However, for many families across the Garden State, the cost of energy can force families to choose between a heated home and other necessities needed for day to day living. To help bridge the gap for our community’s struggling families, the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs has announced the opening of this year’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program applications.

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)a federal program that helps households at or below 60 percent of the state median income pay for energy costs, including electric, gas, deliverable fuels, and those included in rent. By helping New Jersey’s families with these basic resources, more of our community’s residents will have the opportunity to stay safe and warm during the cooler seasons.

“We understand that there is still a need for utility assistance and DCA is here to help,” said Acting Commissioner Jacquelyn A. Suárez. “Programs like LIHEAP make certain that those in need get the assistance they require.”

If you are interested in applying, residents can visit the DCAid portal at to submit an application for this year’s LIHEAP funding. While signed on, the DCAid portal will also direct applicants to other programs which may also be of assistance. If you do not have access to a computer or the internet, please call 1-800-510-3102 to be directed to a community action agencies. These organizations have partnered with DCA to assist with starting, completing, and submitting an application online. A list of the community organizations providing such assistance is available at on the DCA website.

Once your information has been submitted, applications will be reviewed and approved on a rolling basis. Resources are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so please do not delay in submitting your application. Income limits, application instructions, details about other assistance programs, and more can all be found on the DCAid portal, linked above.

This program is offered by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, a state-run organization committed to strengthening New Jersey’s neighborhoods through the delivery of affordable housing and supportive services and to providing financial and technical assistance to municipalities, community action agencies, and other nonprofit organizations for community and economic development projects that improve the quality of life for residents. The DCA’s work is especially concerned with those who are disadvantaged, leveling the playing field for our community’s most vulnerable residents. If you’d like to read more about the DCA and how they can lend a hand to your family this season, please visit their website, linked here: DCA – Home.

Don’t miss the opportunity to help keep your family cozy this winter – be sure to apply today!

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The post Apply Now for NJ DCA’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program first appeared on TrentonDaily.

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