Join the William Trent House for the African Ancestry Experience

Family heritage is a fundamental way that people begin to understand who they are. Knowing where your family came from allows us to trace back our roots and gain a fuller understanding of the lives and journeys of our ancestors. However, for many members of the African American diaspora, the fundamental right to this knowledge has been stripped away by the cruel injustices of slavery and oppression. However, hope is still out there for those not yet connected to their lineage. Thanks to incredible advances in DNA analysis, families now have the opportunity to reconnect with their ancestors and finally gain precious insights into their past. Recently, some families in the area have had the opportunity to trace their lineage back to the the continent of Africa, and now you are invited to be a part of uncovering their past.
In honor of Juneteenth, on Sunday, June 11th, guests are invited to the William Trent House for the African Ancestry Experience. The event will be held from 3pm to 4pm at the Trent House Museum, located at 15 Market St, Trenton, NJ 08611. This event is free to attend, so all are welcome to come and learn. At the event, attendees will have the opportunity to hear about the revelations of families who have recently had the opportunity to trace their lineage to the tribal groups, kingdoms, and nations of their ancestors. Guests will also have the opportunity to learn more about the science behind the advancements in DNA analysis. Additionally, guests will hear from Beverly Mills and Elaine Buck about their research on the African American families who have lived in Central New Jersey for many generations.
This event is co-sponsored by the Dr. Carter G. Woodson chapter of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), and the William Trent House Museum. ASALH is a nationwide chapter organization devoted to the preservation and advancement of black history initiatives. The organization was originally founded in 1915 by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, who was dubbed as the Father of Black History. Continuing to advance the vision of its founder, ASALH continues to carry out a wide variety of efforts to disseminate knowledge about black history, including deciding the theme for Black History Month each year. If you’d like to learn more and explore ASALH’s resources and programs, you can visit their website here: ASALH – Home.
The William Trent House Museum, the host for this event, is another entity devoted to the preservation and dispensation of history in the Trenton community and beyond. Per their mission statement, they seek to “share the authentic history of the house, property, and people with our communities, connecting the past with today and tomorrow”. If you’d like to read more about their upcoming events and history of the property, you can check out their website here: Trent House – Home.
An afternoon of discovery and inspiration awaits, so do not miss your chance to be a part of this incredible experience.
The post Join the William Trent House for the African Ancestry Experience first appeared on TrentonDaily.
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