TerraCycle Home Lets You Recycle Anything From Your Front Door

We’ve all been there: stuck with clutter in our house that we don’t quite know what to do with, but know we don’t want it in a landfill. While curbside recycling tackles some of that issue, there are typically only a handful of materials that can be locally recycled. So what do we do with the rest? The innovators at TerraCycle have just the solution for you.
The company recently announced the launch of its TerraCycle Home program, a groundbreaking new way to recycle. True to its mission, “eliminate the idea of waste”, TerraCycle can recycle anything from snack wrappers to cigarette butts. Now, TerraCycle is bringing its technology to your front door to help you address some of that unwanted waste.
While municipal recycling is a wonderful resource, there are only a handful of materials they’ll accept. But why is that? According to TerraCycle, it comes down to profitability. If the cost of collecting and processing the waste is cheaper than the profits for reselling the raw material, municipalities will accept those items. But for the countless materials that would not be profitable, consumers are often left with no choice but to send those items to a landfill. TerraCycle hopes to address this problem by offering easy, direct-to-consumer options to give our waste a new life.
To get started, participants can choose from a variety of subscription plans. Subscribers can choose between a once-monthly or twice-monthly pickup schedule. After you’ve decided on the pickup details, you’ll be sent a collection bin and two Zero Waste Bags. The materials that TerraCycle collects are clearly labeled on the bags, so just check off the type of waste you want to recycle, fill up your bag, and you’re ready to go! Once your bag is full, just schedule a pickup and a driver will come collect your bags for recycling.
Aside from helping the planet, your participation in the TerraCycle Home also helps right in your community! Some of the waste received through the program will be transformed into park benches and other items that will be placed throughout the local area. It appears that Mercer County is well on its way to a new bench, and every bit of recycling helps to further that goal. How exciting to know that by keeping waste out of landfills, you’re doing something to benefit your community along the way!
TerraCycle is a groundbreaking company headquartered right here in Trenton. Since 2001, TerraCycle has been coming up with creative new ways to address a variety of different waste streams. Although TerraCycle started off making fertilizer from leftover Princeton University dining hall waste, they’ve quickly skyrocketed to a multi-national powerhouse. All over the world, TerraCycle utilizes its innovation and technology to keep waste out of landfills and give new life to previously discarded items.
If you’re interested in getting started with the TerraCycle Home program, you can check out their website here: TerraCycle Home. If you have any questions, please contact TerraCycle’s customer service here: Contact – TerraCycle Home. With TerraCycle Home, you can change the world one bag at a time.
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