HomeFront’s 2022 Diaper Challenge

Local nonprofit HomeFront wants to celebrate Mother’s Day by restocking the shelves of its Diaper Resource Center with 500,000 diapers and baby wipes donated by the community. Moms and babies are at the center of HomeFront’s work to help local families break the cycle of poverty.
The nonprofit operates 36 programs to provide local families with shelter, food, essentials like diapers, and other life changing assistance like education, jobs, children’s programming, etc. “Five years ago we opened our Diaper Resource Center,” says Meghan Cubano, HomeFront’s Community Engagement Director, “to address the fact that one in three moms nationally does not have sufficient access to these types of baby products.
What many people don’t realize is a lack of diapers not only impacts baby’s physical and emotional health, but it affects their parent’s ability to work; Most daycare centers require moms and dads to provide diapers in order for their baby to attend. At an average cost of diapers at $80 per month per child, it is incredibly unaffordable for low-income families.” Last year HomeFront’s Diaper Resource Center distributed 760,400 diapers and baby wipes to local parents in need, either directly or by acting as a diaper bank for other local nonprofits.
“We saw a tremendous jump in the need for baby products,” said Cubano, “due to the pandemic and inflation driving up the cost of essentials every family needs to live with dignity. We distributed 84% more diapers and baby wipes than last year, so the Diaper Challenge is critical to meeting this increased demand.”
For community members interested in donating, or organizing a diaper collection, please find more information at www.homefrontnj.org.
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